
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Poor, broken Moleskine

My poor, dilapidated pocket sized Moleskine notebook really broke recently when the cover parted ways with the spine. So sad. I can't say I didn't see it coming after the repairs I've already made with reattaching the bookmark and duct taping the little expandable pocket in the back.

Fortunately, a work friend of mine had some book-binding glue (fancy Rubber Cement, from what I understand) so I've tried my best to paste my little notebook back together so I can continue to use it (him? her? "it" just sounds so impersonal) until the last few remaining pages are scribbled on with my endless to-do lists and random thoughts.

I know some who've heard me expound on the virtues of these little notebooks will say, "Obviously the notebooks aren't any good because they're falling apart." So I feel it necessary to mention that my first entry in this little companion of mine was September 10, 2003 - over four years ago. Granted, I didn't use it much in the beginning, but I still carried it with me, it faithfully tagging along and dutifully earning the wear and tear it now brandishes so nobly.

Less than 20 pages to go. Will I be forced to replace it prematurely? Or will it endure? I'm confident in my little collector of thoughts and bits of memories. And when the time comes to retire it and inaugurate a new notebook - a stark, perfect and perfectly intimidating Moleskine - it will be with a hint of sadness that I'll empty the back pocket and place it on a shelf.

Sure, I'll say I'll revisit its pages often, but I know it won't be for years, if ever. And there it will remain. A small volume of the forgotten details of life.